Purpose: Show you the procedure to correctly configure your Adobe Media encoder for Flash Streaming. Also, upload capacity is a very important factor in streaming as this determines the maximum ...
Corporate Network Firewalls
March 12, 2015 5Q: When setting up my encoder everything seems to be working properly but when I click my link from Netro it doesn’t work? A: There are 3 main technical issues ...
Open port at corporate level
March 12, 2015 5Issue: Having issues opening or reopening a certain port for streaming. Solution: The port needs to be reopened at the corporate level, the technicians there need to be contact and ...
Stream is down – the top 5 things things to look for
March 12, 2015 3Here are the top 5 things things to look for when your stream is not available. 1. Has you IP address changed from the IP address that we have for ...
Building a Media Encoding Workstation
March 12, 2015 8To stream quality digital media files on the Internet, it is important that you have the right computer equipment. At NetroMedia, we strongly suggest a dedicated digital production work station. ...
Can i stream my own video(s) via an upstream to your server and u will broadcast
March 12, 2015 0Q: Can I stream my own video(s) via an upstream to your server and you will broadcast it to the internet? This is essential for livebroadcasting, or not? A: Yes, ...
How long is a free trial?
March 12, 2015 4Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explain how long the trial account can be used. You will be getting 1 Gb of streaming bandwidth which can be used ...
Bandwidth Analysis. How to calculate stream consumption.
March 12, 2015 3Bandwidth The following outlines the manual formula for calculating stream consumption. If you would like to skip the manual formula, you can simply use our bandwidth calculator. You will need ...
About Dashboard Counters/Reports
March 12, 2015 6About Combined Log and Counter Data on Dashboard These NetroMedia statistics are provided using both real time counter data and archived data. Because of this, there are special circumstances where ...
No router, open ports – I still can’t connect
March 12, 2015 5Even without a hardware device in between the cable/DSL/internet connection modem there may still be a software firewall installed. Popular software firewalls include: -XP Firewall – Zone Alarm – XP ...