How to: Convert Video to Flash Format (FLV)

May 16, 2011 0

Converting Video to Flash Format (FLV)

So, you’ve got your video content. You want to get it up and streaming. How? Follow these steps to convert it to Flash format:

To convert video files to FLV format you will need a conversion application referred to as a converter or encoder. Converters are fairly easy to use — you import a file, choose from some preset options (and customize the settings, if required), then export to Flash video (FLV).

There are many converters/encoders available — some free, some cheap, some expensive. A quick Google search will return many encoders/converters for FLV. Some popular choices are shown below:

  1. Adobe/Macromedia Flash: The official Flash authoring program comes bundled with a utility called Flash 8 Video Encoder. (Tutorial Here)
  2. Sorenson Squeeze: A powerful and versatile conversion application.
  3. ffmpeg: A command line tool for converting many different video formats to other video formats, including FLV.
  4. Example usage for ffmpeg:

    ffmpeg -y -i "example.avi" -vcodec flv -s 480×360 -b 500k -r 10 -pass 1 -ar 22050 -ab 128k -f flv example.flv

    Where -vcodec is the codec to use, -s is the size, -b is the bitrate, -r is the frame rate, -pass is the pass number, -ar is audio sampling frequency, -ab is audio bitrate -f is the output format.

    Full documentation can be found here.


    • If your converter or encoder supports multi-pass encoding, we recommend you do so – this will improve the quality of the final product.
    • If you don’t want to convert video yourself, you can contact us for a quote. (Please tell us what format your file(s) are in and their size.)