Custom Players

custom streaming players

Checkout some of our custom players created for clients. Both Radio and Video players can be customized.

Video Players

video streaming players

We offer Basic, Premium and Custom video players for embedding Live channel or OnDemand files.

Radio Players

radio streaming players

Starting broadcasting your radio channel online today. Customize your player to match your website design.

Mobile Players

mobile streaming players

Stream to your customers anywhere. Viewers can now watch or listen to your stream on any device.

Video Players

NetroMedia’s Basic Flash Player

This player is included free with all services, and can be used to embed a Live channel or OnDemand files onto your website. The player has basic features such as pause, rewind & fast forward (for OnDemand files only), volume controls and a full screen button. When usng this player you should provide viewing links on your website nearby for viewers on mobile devices as it will not display.

NetroMedia’s Premium Player

This Premium Player allows broadcasters to maintain a single look and feel for viewers regardless of which platform they are using – PC, mobile device, tablet, etc. The auto-detection features adjust the delivery and display options for each device, and the implementation on your site is incredibly easy as it uses an iframe embed code – simply paste one line of code into your site to enable this player. Tested on iphone, ipad, blackberry, android phones & android tablets.

NetroMedia’s Custom Flash Player

This player provides the ability to have a custom look, add logos or overlays, control more of the features, and offers device detection for mobile users. The solution for broadcasters with multiple on-demand files, the playlist is customizable and scrolls to allow many files in a small space on your site. You can provide even more information to your audience by adding a line or two of text below the playlist item, and even intersperse live streams with your on-demand content.

More on Custom Players
Basic Premium Custom
Basic Customizable to your brand and website Streams to all devices at once Supports playlists Streams live OR on-demand content Supports multiple formats** Compatible across browsers* Enables social sharing Available with all Video Streaming programs Auto-detects and optimizes to viewer’s device Premium Customizable to your brand and website Streams to all devices at once Supports playlists Streams live OR on-demand content Supports multiple formats** Compatible across browsers* Enables social sharing Available with all Video Streaming programs Auto-detects and optimizes to viewer’s device Custom Customizable to your brand and website Streams to all devices at once Supports playlists Streams live OR on-demand content Supports multiple formats** Compatible across browsers* Enables social sharing Available with all Video Streaming programs Auto-detects and optimizes to viewer’s device

Radio Players


This player is designed to read meta-data from a live stream and dynamically load information relating to the artist, song and album art using Last.FM’s API service.

Nation Media

This custom micro-player was built to be embed on a site with limited spacing. To fit with the minimal aesthetic, it features a hidden volume control.


Specially designed to replace a flash implementation, this player features a circular touch-compatible volume control created using HTML5 and javascript.

Mobile Players

Streaming specifications:

NetroMedia’s live mobile streaming service allows broadcasters to deliver 24/7 real-time streaming media to iPhones, BlackBerries, Android devices and more.

Streams can be generated using a variety of software or hardware encoders, and need to be delivered using the h.264 / AAC codecs to be fully compatable with all devices.

Streaming specifications:

Easily upload, manage and deliver on-demand streaming video to various mobile devices. Your videos are uploaded through NetroPortal™ or using any FTP client to batch-upload files.

Videos are stored on a secure network and become available immediately after the upload has been completed. They can be embedded online with any media player, including extendable flash players such as the open-source FlowPlayer and JWPlayer. Viewers enjoy complete playback control.